full coverage auto insurance

full coverage auto insurance

you've just been in a car accident and youare trying to figure out how the limits work on your policy. my name is james with theresurgence group. we are a full service insurance agency and we specialize in auto insurance.if you have a chance the first thing that i would suggest is call your agent or callyour carrier and ask them about the different types of limits and liability coverages thatyou have and have them explain it to you. you can look at that policy and you'll seewhether you have got comprehensive or you've got collision, bodily injury, property damage,uninsured motorists, these are all different types of limits that you have coverage forin the event of an accident. it is a little bit hard to understand both. when you geta professional such as your insurance agent

involved they can specifically answer anyquestions that you currently have with regards to those liability limits but it is very simple.if you have a policy then you can look at what is called the policy deck page and they'lltell you exactly how much you have as far as the liability, typically 10/20 if anyonehas heard of that. that is $10,000 on the bodily injury, $20,000 on the property. theyyou can go up to 100 or 300 or you can go with what is called 500. you can go up toone million dollars of what is called combined single limit and that is a tremendous amountof coverage. you will pay a little bit of a premium for that but at least you know youwill have the right amount of coverage in the event of an accident. many people thesedays are trying to save money and they go

with just the 10/20 which we don't reallysuggest because then when you need it you are not going to have the proper amount ofcoverage and anything above those limits that is your out of pocket expense if you havedamage whether it be bodily injury or property is going to be assessed to you personally.my name is james. i'm with the resurgence group and we strongly suggest that you speakwith an agent especially when it comes to the policy limits because you want to makesure that you have the proper coverage when you need it the most when you have that accident.

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