find insurance for car

find insurance for car

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf510{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 cambria;\f1\froman\fcharset0 timesnewromanpsmt;}{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0\deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\ri380 \f0\fs24 \cf0 owning a car in singapore involvesmany costs other than its down payment. you also have monthly installments, petrol, seasonparking, e.r.p., road tax and car insurance. \\ as you can see, while most of these expensesare fixed, you can almost always get a better price for your car insurance. \\

using a real story, i\'92ll show you how youcan get a good deal for your car insurance and save lots of time as you do so.\\ john owns a blue toyota camry. his road taxand car insurance will be due in a month. being a savvy shopper, john plans to get intouch with several insurance companies to find a better car insurance quote.\\ he knows that each insurer has its own wayof arriving at his premium. thus each quotation will be priced differently.\\ the first insurer quoted about $1,500. thesecond offered him slightly over $1,400. things are looking good\'85 with excitement, he beganto call up another 8 insurers to ask for quotations.

two hours and 10 quotes later, he got a greatdeal at $950. but he was exhausted. and it was very hard, boring work.\\ each call, he repeated his name, i.c. number,vehicle number, insurance details, contact details and so on\'85 for at least 10 times.and poor john was put on hold for several minutes during each call.\\ but his perseverance paid off and he managedto save $550. he felt triumphant and planned to use this savings for his daughter\'92sbirthday celebration.\ \one year later, john got smarter. through research, he found a free service that helpedhim get at least 10 car insurance quotes to

compare. he went to motorinsurancesingapore.comand used less than 2 minutes to fill up a form.\\ with the newfound convenience and time savings,john felt liberated!\ \not only were the best prices available to him, he had access to simple tools that canhelp him compare the features between the best few car insurance plans.\\ through this, he had a good feel about whichproduct is most suitable for him. \ \after all, being a smart shopper, john ultimately wants to sign up with the most suitable carinsurance plan\'85 and with the most reliable

insurer, rather than blindly going for thecheapest policy\'85 or the most popular brand names, which may not always be good for him.\\ like john, you\'92ve found us and you\'92remost likely a smart shopper. if you, like john, want to save time and money, and wantthe convenience of settling your car insurance at the convenience of your home or office,this may be the best free service you'll use. \f1 \\ \f0 see the form below? fill it up right now,and we\'92ll get moving for you.\ \after you\'92re done with the form, i\'92ll tell you what happened to john 6 months later,which he\'92ll never forget. see you on the

other side.\}

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