insurance auto

insurance auto

did you know that three out of every sevenvehicles on the road are putting you and your business at risk? statistics show that onein seven drivers on the road are driving without any auto insurance, while two more of thosedrivers are driving underinsured with state-mandated minimum coverage! this means that nearly athird of all drivers on the road will be unable to pay what they're responsible for shouldthey cause a serious accident. their negligence could cost you! let's assume you and youremployees are responsibly (and legally) driving with the appropriate insurance coverages forliability, which provides you protection when you're at-fault in an automobile accidentbecause you've injured someone else or caused damage to their property. coverage for damageto your own vehicle (aka comprehensive and

collision coverage) which helps pay for thedamages you or your employees cause to your own vehicle in an accident. and medical paymentscoverage which provides you protection to pay for any medical expenses you or the passengersin your own vehicle sustain in an accident. but, if you'reinvolved in an accident with a person who doesn't carry liability insurance. or hasminimal coverage, you'll likely have to pay out of your own pocket for your medicalbills or your work comp policy will need to respond, even if the accident wasn't yourfault! an important way you can protect yourselfand your business is to add uninsured motorists

coverage to your auto policy. um coveragepays damages for bodily injury (and in some states property damage) that result from anaccident caused by a person who doesn't carry insurance or from a hit and run addition to the problem of uninsured vehicles, remember that two out of every seven driverson the road purchase bare bones insurance policies to save money. after all, most states only requireminimum coverage limits, which are quite low. what if one of those drivers causes a serious accident and injures youor one of your employees? their $25,000 in coverage will likely not be enough to pay the medical bills. by purchasing underinsured

motorists (uim) coverage, which is availablein most states, you won't be left holding the bill. to learn more about um and uim coverages,and to make sure you and your vehicles are properly protected, contact your independentagent today!

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