car insurance premium

car insurance premium

hi, my name's seann mcwhorter, i'm the agencyprincipal of insure right insurance agency located in lehi, utah. today we're talkingabout insurance ins and outs, and specifically how to reduce car insurance premiums. thereare many things that you can do to reduce your auto insurance payment. where to begin -- there's just so, there's a lot. well, the first thing that you want to do is askyour insurance agent or insurance company for all the discounts that you could possiblybe eligible for. there are several different discounts, from safe drivers to good studentdiscounts if you're going to school full time. there are defensive driver courses that ifyou've taken you can qualify for a discount. there are discounts for insuring your homeor your renters insurance with the same company

that you purchase your auto insurance from.there are discounts for having multiple cars insured with the same company. there are discountsfor being a good driver, for living longer than other people. there are senior citizentype discounts available as well. there are discounts for paying the premium in full,if you have a six month or an annual policy, if you pay the whole amount up front, thatcan often save you money as well. many companies today are offering automatic checking withdrawalfor your auto insurance. this usually will save you a great deal on your payments aswell. i highly recommend looking into that as well. look at yourself. make sure thatyou're a safe driver. avoid driving over the speed limit. as you get moving violationsfor speeding or illegal turns or whatever

the ticket may be, those will eventually increaseyour auto insurance premiums. so being a safe driver, being a courteous driver, definitelywill help you in the long run keeping your insurance premiums down. if you happen tohave a claim or an accident, sometimes it makes sense to discuss with your agent whetherit would make sense to turn that claim in. oftentimes the insurance company would bepaying out a very small amount on that claim, and where that claim automatically would raiseyour rates. so sometimes it makes sense to pay for those claims out of your own the long run it will save you money. that's one of the advantages of having an insuranceagent is to discuss those things with them.

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