car insurance policy

car insurance policy

your policy's comin' up for renewal, and you'retryin' to figure out how you're going to pay for it. my name is james, with the resurgencegroup. we're a full service insurance agency, and we specialize in car insurance. well,the first thing i'm going to suggest is get with your agent or the carrier customer servicedepartment, and figure out what's the minimum down payment that you can pay in order foryou to keep that insurance alive. chances are they have very flexible payment can put like ten percent down, and then work out an eleven pay, or you put more moneydown and then you have less payments per month. there are different types of policies, whetherit be a six month policy, or a twelve month policy, and there's advantages and disadvantagesof each. the six month policy is going to

cost you less money; therefore it's less ofa down payment, but chances are your premium is going to change in the next six monthswhen you come up to renew again. if you have a twelve month policy you can lock in thatpremium for the entire twelve months. so again, get with your agent and speak with them, andthey'll come up with the best plan. my name is james, with the resurgence group. we dothis for a lot of our clients, and what we're tryin' to do is make sure that you're educated,and save you as much money as possible.

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