car insurance for teens

car insurance for teens

freedom! you have your g2 license, which meansyou can finally be on your own in the car. no more mom or dad tagging along with youwhenever you want to get somewhere. but before you get too excited about hittingthe road without that second pair of eyes, or cautionary voice beside you, let's quicklygo over some ways you can stay accident free. by avoiding accidents through the tips we'reabout to share, not only do you stay safe, but you will also maintain a good drivingrecord. you may not know this, but if you can keep a perfect driving record for 5 years,you can reduce the amount you and your parents pay for car insurance. and who doesn't liketo save money? so let's get to it. there are 3 main causesof accidents on the roads today:

driving while distracted, driving when drowsy,and driving aggressively. remember, driving safely is about being ableto process the information that's coming at you while you're on the road,and being ableto respond accordingly. if you're distracted, drowsy or angry at the car that just cut youoff, your judgment and ability to react can be significantly affected. in fact - driver distraction is estimatedto be a contributing factor in 8 out of 10 police-reported crashes. 26% of fatal and injury crashes are relatedto fatigued driving. you are 23 times more likely to be involvedin a collision if you text while driving.

and 4 times more likely if you talk on a cellphone while driving either hand-held or hands-free. and yet, nearly 3 out of 4 canadian driversadmit to driving while distracted. so let's talk about how you can avoid being one ofthese four-wheeled offenders and stay safe on the road. distracted drivers will talk on a cell phone,fiddle with their music, eat a cheeseburger, put on lipstick or check their texts whiledriving. it's a no brainer to see how any of these activities can lead to a messy situation,right? but that's the thing while it's easy to getdistracted while driving, it's also really easy to avoid getting distracted while driving.

here's how.... use your phone only when you'reparked. being stopped at a red light doesn't count. remember, using your phone while drivingcan result in fines and in many provinces it's illegal. not to mention, it's just dangerous!get your music and temperature all set before you start driving. put on your make-up and comb your hair beforegetting behind the wheel. chances are, you'll do a better job anyway! if you're craving asnack, pull over to eat. drowsy drivers can be just as dangerous tothemselves and others on the road. that's because when you're sleepy, your brainstarts to shut down. your reaction time is slower, you lose awareness of your surroundingsand your judgment is affected. while it's sometimes hard to avoid being tiredwhile you're driving, especially if you have

late classes or a job that ends late at night,here are some tips to keep in mind to stay awake and alert at the wheel: avoid heavy foods before driving. if you'retaking medication, be sure it doesn't have any ingredients that may make you drowsy.keep the air cool and your eyes moving. remember, if you're really sleep deprived, no amountof caffeine will help. so trade the coffee for a nap. finally, there's the angry driver. you'veseen him or her but you really don't want to be that person. this is the driver who tailgates, speeds,cuts others off, and yells "ahem" profanities

to other drivers. when you're driving, remember to keep yourcool. tailgating and speeding are very common causes of accidents. in fact, 27% of fatalitieson the road are caused by speeding. ultimately, road safety is about three mainthings: stay aware. stay awake. and keep your cool.

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