auto and car insurance

auto and car insurance

what is comprehensive coverage? comprehensive coverage is available to protect you against vehicle damages not caused by a collision. for example, it may protect you against vehicle damages caused by theft, vandalism, natural disasters, falling objects, fire, hail, flood, or animal damage. why consider comprehensive coverage? well, could you pay out of pocket for damages if, say, you hit a deer, damaging your car?

if not, comprehensive coverage may be able to help you. in some cases, comprehensive coverage might be required. for example, if your car is leased or if you still owe money on your loan, the lending institution may require this coverage. check with your lending or leasing institution to determine whether it's required. even if comprehensive isn't mandatory, consider: would you be able to afford to fix or replace your car if it was damaged by a hailstorm? the protection offered by comprehensive coverage can help set your mind at ease.

something else to consider is your deductible amount, the money you have to pay out of pocket in the event of a claim. it's a good idea to set the deductible at a level you can afford to pay. so now you have a little more information on the benefits of comprehensive coverage, which can help protect you against vehicle damages not caused by a collision. in some cases, it may help protect against vehicle damages caused by theft, vandalism, natural disaster, falling objects, fire, hail, flood, and animal damage.

check with your lending or leasing institution to find out whether comprehensive coverage is required. questions? contact an allstate agent.

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