as car insurance

as car insurance

you're lookin' at your car insurance policy,and you just bought a car and you're wonderin' if the color of that car is affecting thepremium on that policy. my name is james, with the resurgence group. we're a full serviceinsurance agency, and we specialize in car insurance. well, the one thing that i wantto tell ya' is that the color of the vehicle, whether it be red, green, black, blue, orwhite really doesn't matter as far as how they calculate the premium. what matters isthe type of vehicle. so, what i would suggest is get with your local agent, and discussspecifically the type of vehicle that you currently have, or even if you're thinkin'about buyin' a vehicle so that you understand how much it's going to cost you to insure.we always suggest get a quote first before

you buy, because sometimes you can affordthe payment on the car, but then when you factor in the car insurance it becomes costprohibitive. there are many cars out there that are very reasonable as far as car insurance,and then there are a few that most carriers are afraid of and simply because they're very,very expensive cars, or they're high profile cars that people like to speed around again, get with your agent, discuss it intelligently, and then make a decision asfar as whether or not you could afford the insurance on that car that you want to name is james, with the resurgence group. what we try and do every day is speak withour clients so that you really get a better understanding of what affects that premium.but at this point in time color is irrelevant.

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