you're thinking about buying car insuranceand you're specifically looking at the liability that you would want to carry for that name is james with, the resurgence group, we're a full service insurance agency, andwe specialize in auto insurance. so when you're thinking about a policy and the differenttypes of limits, we strongly suggest that you speak with an agent or someone in customerservice, so that they can go over the different types of limits, and the different types ofcoverages and deductibles. liability is specifically for the auto and the property damage associatedwith that auto. so you have comp and collision; comp is in the event that you're not in anaccident, but an accident happens, such as a tree falls, or something that damages yourvehicle other than a collision. your coverage
is going to be based on how much of a deductibleyou have. so if you go with a lower limits, say 250 dollars, you're only responsible forthat, and then the car insurance carrier would actually pay for any difference that it wouldcost to repair that vehicle. when it comes to a collision it's the same way. you've goyour deductible, and then after that your policy is going to kick in and then the autocompany is going to have to pay for whatever it's going to take to get that car up to runningagain. my name is james, i'm an agent, i strongly suggest that you speak with agents so thatyou can get a better understanding of the different types of policies that are out there,as well as the different types of limits and coverages and deductibles.
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