home insurance

home insurance

home insurance savings tips -- guaranteedsteps to very cheap homeowners insurance rates (series) -- pt 1this video series presents 48 practical ways to reduce your home insurance rates.tip #1… don’t insure the landit's more expensive and unnecessary to insure the land on which your house is standing.a good number of folks pay much more than they should on home insurance due to thistype of mistake. you've made the same mistake if you insuredyour home for the price you bought it without checking the cost of the land it is standingon and subtracting it. if you made this mistake, meet with your agentquickly and check through your coverage.

deduct the cost of the land and you will discoverthat you'll need far less coverage. your premium will be less and you'll stillhave enough coverage if you do this right. since insurance is for things that you can'tafford to lose, insuring the land which can neither be lost nor damaged isn't smart.tip #2… maintain an excellent credit ratingyour credit score will make you pay more or less.people who have excellent ratings get cheaper rates than those who have low ratings.what your credit rating reveals is how you have handled your bills and it speaks negativelyabout you if it's a poor one. an insurance company takes this to mean thatyou're financially irresponsible and will

possibly default in paying your premiums.this makes you a bigger risk to them. therefore, you are made to pay higher rates than someoneelse with the same profile who has an excellent rating.therefore, it is a wise decision to pay all your bills on time.apart from the other benefits in doing so, it will help you get cheaper homeowners insurancerates tip #3…pay yearly and not monthly electing to pay your premiums monthly resultsin more expensive rates compared to what you get to pay if you choose to pay annually.a strong reason for this is the cost an insurer incurs for sending you twelve bills insteadof just one each year.

the cost shoots up if you include the factthat they pay transaction fees for processing each check you give them monthly as payment.12 checks are 12 transactions which incur 12 different transaction charges.and as with everything else, it is you, the client or insured, who will be responsiblefor that cost. you will get considerable savings if you chooseto pay annually. what you'll save could be as high as 8.5%of your total monthly payments over the course of just one year.tip #4… ensure a fire-safe exteriora fire-safe home exterior will help bring down your rate.you'll be doing the right thing if you don't

have anything that is flammable close to yourhome. even though cutting bushes around your houselooks simple… …you will get lower premiums if you do keepthem at a distance of at least 10 feet from your structures.the likelihood of a fire in a house is a very strong factor that determines your home insurancerate. tip #5…install motion-sensitive lighting you'll pay less if you've got motion-sensitivelighting on your property. your home becomes a no-go area for thievesas they'll be noticed easily. since thieves avoid houses with such lighting,you reduce your home's risk of burglary and,

consequently, your premiums.tip #6… get dead-bolt locks on exterior doorsdead-bolt locks on all your exterior doors will help you get a more affordable rate.this makes it hard for intruders or burglars to have their way.and because a home's risk of burglary is a strong factor in calculating your home insurancepremiums, you'll pay far less. tip #7…window locks help too in the same way, having window locks on allyour windows will help reduce your home's risk of burglary.you can take this to another level by building in burglary-proof bars on them all.if you are not opposed to this kind of measure,

have them fitted in your home and enjoy moreaffordable rates. tip #8…get monitored fire and security systems fixing special security and fire systems thatare monitored 24/7 is a wise step. apart from the peace of mind you'll have inknowing your home is always been watched by competent professionals…you will get cheaper home insurance rates. even though the discount this will get youwill differ from one insurance company to another……you can expect to bring down your home insurance rate by as much as 25%.tip #9… install smoke and fire detectorssmoke and fire detectors will help you lower

your home's fire risk.if you have them in all the right areas in your home, you'll get a discount.the reason for this reduction in your rates is that such detectors make it a lot easierfor fires to be put out before they can cause any damage.and since the risk of fire in a house is a big factor in calculating home insurance premiums,you'll get lower rates by taking this step. tip #10…don’t ignore fire extinguishers ensure you have fire extinguishers in yourhome -- at very strategic points or near all fire sources.your kitchen is one crucial place to have one or more functional fire extinguishers.it's crucial that each fire extinguisher be

suitable for the place it is supposed to protect.and, always remember that you must keep them within easy reach. this will help reduce yourhome insurance premium. get and compare cheap quotes from many topinsurers @ q4l.org quality-insurance-4-less.comq4l.org (it's the same site just easier to type intoyour browser) one more thing...save a lot of money... get many more tips that will help you cutdown your overall insurance costs by up to 50% at q4l.orgq4l.org

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