high risk auto insurance

high risk auto insurance

47 auto insurance savings tips -- guaranteedsteps to dirt cheap car insurance rates (series) – pt 3tip #21… move to an area that represents a lower riskit is cheaper to insure a car if you live in a rural areait makes sense to live in a less congested area if it fits your circumstancethis is because the risks of vandalism, theft or...collision… …are far lesstip #22… periodic reviews can make a big differenceyou might be able to bring down your rate if you take time to review your policy fromtime to time.

change is inevitable and happens without ourpermission but then we must not pay for things that changes have relieved us of…how many people, for example, remember to remove their daughters from their policiesimmediately they get married? the changes in your life might have qualifiedyou for certain discounts. it might also no longer be in your best interestto retain certain coverage types. it would, therefore, do you a world of goodto review your policy yearly or twice yearly. finding even one thing that you no longerneed on your policy and dropping it will save you something reasonable.tip #23… avoid policy lapse

do your utmost to always ensure your policydoes not lapse. you'll pay more expensive rates for a long time if this happens to youalbeit by mistake. don't allow this mistake while switching becausethat's one situation where this happens to a lot of people.one way to be certain you do not make this type of mistake is to let your old policykeep running until you've confirmed that the new one is fully operational.many people are paying more than they should just because they made this mistake. so dotake care that you don't become one of them. tip #24…stop insuring broken vehicles do you have a car you've not driven in months?do you have a broken car?

are you still paying premiums on such a carbecause you did not remember to remove it from your auto insurance policy?as simple as this looks a lot of people end up paying thousands in unnecessary premiumsbecause they don't remember to remove such cars from their policies.don't make this mistake! tip #25…don’t pay monthly. pay yearly if you choose to pay your premiums monthly,you'll pay higher rates. true, paying monthly might be less stressfulbut it is also less affordable. if you work with banks you will agree withme that each check you process is regarded as a transaction which attracts charges.for 12 checks (that is, your monthly payments)

you'll have a total of 12 transactions.this means that transaction fees would be 12 times more for those who make monthly payments.besides, there are also administrative costs that come with the monthly payment option.a good example of such is the expense associated with sending out payment notices.these and more are then added to your rate thereby making it higher than if you paidannually. tip #26…authorize an eft for your payments a simple but effective way of lowering yourrate is by authorizing an eft (electronic funds transfer).this just means your insurer withdraws your premiums automatically from your account atspecified periods without mailing you payment

notices.this saves your insurer in many ways such as removing the cost of mailing payment noticesand the cost associated with processing checks. your premium is therefore reduced in linewith the lower cost of providing insurance to you.tip #27… drop your young driver from your policyunder-25 drivers get higher rates than any other age group.worse still, if they are teenagers their auto insurance rates could be really high.therefore, as much as possible, do not place such a driver on your own policy. you'll bemade to pay very high rates if you do that. sign an exclusion form that will allow yourteen driver have his or her own policy.

if a teen is keen on driving then they shouldbe made responsible for at least the cost of their auto insurance.teens who pay for their own auto insurance are more willing to take steps to bring itdown. this, by extension, means that such a teendriver will be more responsible behind wheels since they bear the full cost of their actions.tip #28… stay loyal and get discounts plus concessionsinsurers give customers who have remained loyal a long term discount and accident forgiveness.some insurers will give you up to 5% in discounts once you've been with them for up to threeyears while others will give you such a discount only when you've stayed for up to five.most insurers will also not raise the rates

of a long standing policy holder if they makejust one claim. insurers offer these as incentives to keepyou with them since it serves them better too.but it will only be right for me to also point out that in spite of these incentives, youmight actually gain more if you switch to another insurer…let's assume, that you are given a 5 percent (or $125) discount after your third year withan insurance company where your current auto insurance rate is $2,500.also note that your rates may be raised to reflect the effect of inflation.but while you're at it, another insurer may be willing to give you a rate of $2,000 orless at the moment.

then it won't be wise to stay put becauseyou want to qualify for a discount down the road considering that the expected discountis less than savings you'll get now if you change to another insurer.believe it or not, most people can pay far less with another insurer if they'll onlymake out time to shop right. you can only know if this is true for yourprofile when you obtain and compare quotes from a good number of auto insurance companiesto see where you'll gain more. tip #29…don’t falsify your details make sure you do not give false details whenyou complete your forms. insurance fraud costs us all.it's been estimated that insurance fraud adds

up to $1,500 to the average family's insurancepremium annually. you can save us all this extra burden by representingyour details truthfully. if you couldn't care less about the cost toeveryone in general, don't forget that your insurer is free to cancel your policy on thegrounds of false representation. you'll then lose in a very big way. insurersincrease your rates by a good margin once you've let your policy lapse or had it cancelledfor reasons like this. tip #30…don’t duplicate coverage! you might be duplicating coverage and payingmore unnecessarily… …if you have a very good health insurancecoverage and also an extensive personal injury

protection (pip) coverage on your car insurancepolicy. if it's possible in your state, eliminatepip totally in such a situation. for the rest of us, keep it at the minimumstipulated by your state laws. why should you pay higher rates that willnot translate into more benefits? get and compare cheap quotes from many topinsurers @ q4l.org quality-insurance-4-less.comq4l.org (it's the same site just easier to type intoyour browser) one more thing...save a lot of money... get many more tips that will help you cutdown your overall insurance costs by up to

50% at q4l.orgq4l.org

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