get auto insurance

get auto insurance

what happens if i am hit by a person who doesnot have insurance or who does not have enough insurance to cover my damages? first off,california requires that every driver carry a minimum liability policy. the minimum policyis what's known as a 1530 policy. but the reality of the situation is since there'sso many people in california, a lot of people don't have insurance, or a lot of people don'tpay their insurance on time. so you cannot rely on that person to cover for your damages. if you are hit by a person who has no insurance,you may have the option to sue them. you may get a judgment against them, but getting ajudgment does not mean you're going to get paid. you have to collect on this judgment.the chances are people that have no insurance

are not going to have the assets necessaryto pay out this judgment. secondly, collecting on a judgment is nota fun process. it's long and it's difficult. thirdly, the person against whom you've gota judgment may try to go through bankruptcy and discharge any personal injury judgmentyou have against them. fourthly, what if you're hit by a person whohas a minimal policy? say if your medical bills total $100,000. that person who's atfault, the insurance is only obligated to pay you up to amount of the liability that situation, the insurance company is only on the hook for $15,000. what do youdo about this other $85,000 in outstanding medical bills?

for that reason, you need to make sure thatyou are proactive and have enough insurance on your own. so, you need to immediately callyour adjuster. make sure you have the following. you need to ask if you have um or uim. thisis uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist. the minimum you should carry is a 100/300policy. secondly, make sure you have collision coverage.this allows you to get your car repaired in a timely fashion. make sure you have rentalcoverage. this allows you to make a claim through your insurance company to get youa rental car in the event that your car is taking a long time to get repaired. make sure you have medical payments. thisis an elective policy that will help pay off

your medical bills regardless of fault. bottom line in this instance is, if your involvedin a car accident, you cannot bank on the other person covering you for the full extentof your damages. chances are they might have no insurance. they might have minimal want to take the proactive steps necessary to protect yourself and make sure you getfull compensation for all your damages.

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