discount auto insurance quotes

discount auto insurance quotes

47 auto insurance savings tips -- guaranteedsteps to dirt cheap car insurance rates (series) – pt 5tip #38… become a defensive driverdefensive driving or any other special driving program approved by your insurer will getyou discounts. the reason is simple: defensive drivers aretrained to drive safer. this is particularly important for high riskprofiles. being certified as a defensive driver willsave a young driver thousands in premiums in a few years.apart from the fact that this will help lower your rate, it will help keep you and otherssafer.

therefore, do your best to get trained indefensive driving from a recognized center. and, don't forget to tell your agent onceyou complete the course. tip #38…ask your agents for all available discounts take it upon yourself to ask your agent aboutall the discounts available to you with your preferred is possible that your agent did not remember to tell you about'll know only by telling your agent that you want to be sure you've been informed aboutevery discount possible for your profile. you might be astonished at discounts you'venot taken advantage of. tip #40…make sure your vin is accurate

you might be overcharge if the vin (vehicleidentification number) of your car is entered incorrectly.while this might not be through any fault of yours, you might still get more expensiverates due to a mistake like this. therefore, double check to ensure your vehicle'svin is accurate on your car insurance policy. it's nothing complicated but could save youa lot of dollars. tip #41…get married although this may sound funny, you can bringdown your rates by getting married. i know you won't get married just for thisbut when you do, it will save you a bit in auto's commonsense that everyone becomes more

stable and less reckless once they get married.this stability affects such a person for good when he/she is behind wheels.insurers will tell you that their records show that married people make fewer claims.furthermore, when they do make those claims, they usually cost less on the average thanthose by their unmarried counterparts. tip #42…leave your car the way it was made! if you want to keep your rates down, do not"pimp your ride." doing such reduces your car's safety and,therefore, warrants higher rates as far as your insurer is if you're really serious about keeping your rate down, leave your car the way itwas manufactured.

tip #43…don’t let your home cost you! it's easy to save a few hundred dollars ona home but lose thousands over the years on auto insurance because of its location.also note that a neighborhood not too far away might fall under a lower crime zone thanyours -- this affects rates. so check with your agent before you committo a new home the truth is that most people don't thinkabout this when they are about buying a home. but think about it……if your new zip code adds up to $300 to your annual auto insurance rate……how much would that amount to at the end of your 30-year mortgage?tip #44…

don’t be careless with your keys!if you must quickly get something inside, turn your car off, lock up and pocket yourkeys. don't leave your car unlocked and running.this simple act makes it very easy for thieves. every thief checks how easy a target is beforemaking a move. it certainly doesn't get easier for a thief than an unlocked car with a runningengine. tip #45…be on your parent’s policy using your parents' auto insurance policyis an option for you if you are an under-25. the fact that you are just of driving agemeans that your parents likely belong to a better risk age have to bear in mind, though, that the

vehicle must be registered in their name andyou must be living with them if you want to take advantage of this option.if you do not like the idea of giving the car's ownership to them, and other stuff thatmay come with it, then you'll have to forget this option.tip #46… opt for a "green" vehicle!the effects of global warming are real and the government is doing everything to mitigateits acceleration. so as an incentive to make the public buyvehicles that are friendly to the environment, many auto insurance carriers give cheapercar insurance rates to owners of such vehicles. yes, you can't go out to buy a new vehiclejust because you want cheaper rates but if

you are in the market for a new car, notethat going green will help you save on insurance. tip #47…do extensive comparison shopping the difference in rate quotes from differentinsurers for the exact coverage type can range from a few dollars to over a thousand.there are a host of different insurers and the more thorough you are in getting a widevariety of rate quotes, the better your chances of making bigger savings.take advantage of quotes sites and you will be able to compare quotes from multiple insurersat the same time. get and compare cheap quotes from many topinsurers @

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