commercial insurance

commercial insurance

i'm sure this is on some new businessowners mind right now and that is how much does insurance costs for business? i'm sure you're right because i doget asked that question a lot - "how much is this going to cost me?" and i normally respond to that with it's like walking into a grocery store saying"how much for groceries?" well it depends - what do you want and how much of it do you want? or going to a car lot and saying "how much for car?" you get the idea - so the commercial insurance generalliability which is the most common policy based line policy is 1 milliondollars of coverage and that's just

basic so i've seen policies as low assix hundred dollars a year and absolutely as high as 60 thousanddollars a year and there's a lot of things that factor into that; how much coverage they have what kind of the industry are they working in, what kind of risk are involved - so forth and so on so commercial insurance is quite differentto what most new business owners are used to when they think of 'insurance' so that's what we're here for - to help them with that!

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