cheap car insurance comparison

cheap car insurance comparison

you are thinking about buying car insuranceand you are really not sure what to do. you definitely want to get multiple quotes. myname is james with the resurgence group. we are a full service insurance agency and wespecialize in auto insurance. we are an independent agency and that is what i strongly suggest.go to an independent agent because they can give you multiple quotes from different carriersat the same time and then spread it out and then you can decide based on your premiumthat you can afford and the types of limits and coverages that you are willing to take.if you are trying to save money then you are going to go with the lowest amount of limitsand the lowest deductibles because that will change how much money you are going to agent will be able to tell you within a

few minutes how much money it is going tocost for these different types of limits such as bodily injury, pip, which is personal injuryprotection, property damage, uninsured motorists and comp and collision. if you are lookingto save money you are not going to have all of these because that is going to cost youmore premium but if you have a car that you value sometimes even if you have a lien onit then it is going to be required that you have at least comp and collision on it andbodily injury and property damage and that is going to cost you more money than justhaving your basic coverages so again we suggest that you speak with an agent and you get multiplequotes form multiple carriers and compare the types of limits and also the types ofdeductibles so that you're apples to apples.

i'm james with the resurgence group and thisis what we do every day and your agent can do the same.

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