car insurance reviews

car insurance reviews

as a personal injury attorney practicing inlos angeles, california, i have commented in the past on matters of public of the most topical subjects at the present time is the patriot act. and specifically,in the news has been section 215 of the patriot act, which is innocuously called the libraryrecords section of the act. but it has nothing to do with library records. what is has to do is surveillance on millionsand millions of americans-- specifically on their phone records. they can determine, throughmetadata purposes, the times calls are made, who calls are made to, the location of thecalls. they state that they don't actually listen to the conversations themselves, butthis is hard to believe. a court in the state

of new york-- a federal court, the circuitcourt, us circuit court, determined that this was unconstitutional, to have a mass surveillanceof people when there's no probable cause to believe they've committed a crime. everyone has become so concerned, and they'reup in arms with regard to government surveillance. but we should know that there's been commercialsurveillance on citizens in the realm of personal injury. we know from our own history, dealingwith our own clients that have gone to arbitration, or have gone to trial, that there is veryroutinely nowadays surveillance that's done on injured people that we represent, and thatother attorneys represent. they use these kinds of surveillance to, in effect, impeachand damage the ability of people to collect

for their injuries, even though they may betaken out context. it may be just a snapshot in a year or twothe person has bee suffering pain, and they use this to mislead the juries. i believeit'll be routine in the future, where insurance companies will survey all phone records, willsurveil conversations that people have, if we don't stop it. a book that recently cameout, david and goliath, by bruce schneier, talks about how, by analyzing phone records,by analyzing phone calls and the times calls are made, where they're made from, we candetermine where people have been, where they're going. we can predict that. we can determine theirinterests-- what kinds of places they're going

to. so i feel that it's very important inthe realm of personal privacy that something is done to stop these kinds of surveillance.something that we should be very concerned about, and if we don't stop this erosion,this little by little erosion, of our privacy, then the day may come where we have no privacywhatsoever.

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