car insurance rates

car insurance rates

47 auto insurance savings tips -- guaranteedsteps to dirt cheap car insurance rates (series) – pt 4tip #31… avoid unnecessary add-onsadd-ons like towing raise your premium without giving you as much value as using a towingservice. have you checked to see if your credit carddoesn't already offer this as added value? overall, you're better off using a third partytowing service than placing it on your auto insurance policy.tip #32… park only in safe placesdon't make the mistake of parking your car in places where it won't be safe i mean places where the risks of theft,

vandalism or accidental damage are very low.parking your car in a garage will help you reduce your rate over time.and, lest i forget, if you drive out in the night do your best to have your car parkedin a well-lit area. this will deter thieves. tip #33…don’t file petty claims we told you something about staying claims-freein part one of this series… stay claims-free for more than three yearsand most insurers will give you a special discount. but here’s what we didn’t tellyou… it does not mean you might not have any reasonsto make a claim but that you choose not to file one.therefore, if it's a minor case, handle it

on your own. that is, if what you'll gainfrom a no claims discount outweighs it. this is particularly true for people who arejust a few months or a year away from becoming eligible for the no-claims bonus.tip #34… be a woman or let her own itstatistically, women are safer drivers. married couples can take advantage of thisby having their cars insured in the lady's name with the man as the secondary driver.although this might not go down well with some male folks, it will help reduce whatyour family pays for auto insurance. tip #35…buy your policy online running a business on the internet is a lotcheaper than a brick and mortar approach.

compared to buying offline from a brick andmortar business, you'll save up to 15% if you buy your auto insurance policy online.therefore, as much as you can, buy your car insurance policy online.however, do your utmost to present your details truthfully.if you try to cheat you'll lose big time on the long run…your insurer will be covered by the law if they cancel your policy on the grounds thatyou misrepresented facts. don't also forget to confirm your preferredinsurer's rating and standing with your state's department of insurance and other financialrating institutions. this is to ensure you don’t fall into thewrong hands.

tip #36…don’t include rental car coverage unless… do not include rental car coverage in yourauto insurance policy without confirming if your credit card offers such a benefit.more often than not, you'll discover that your credit card provider has already givenyou this coverage as added value. you'll simply avoid duplicating coverage ifyou check before you decide if it's necessary to still add rental car coverage to your policy.furthermore, do you really need this coverage type if you have more than one car?tip #37… get more by paying less with an umbrella policyreduce your bodily injury liability coverage to the very minimum required by your statelaw and buy an umbrella policy instead.

the more substantial your assets, they morethis recommendation is true in your case. just to ensure we all are on the same plate……bodily injury liability coverage takes care of passengers and the other driver inan accident that's caused by you. if this coverage type takes care of such liabilityissues, why is still recommended that you get an umbrella policy?the simple reason is that the liability coverage included in any car insurance policy is usuallyinadequate. this means that your personal assets willbe taken if your liability coverage cannot handle the bills and damages incurred.however, there is hardly a law suit or liability issue that an umbrella policy won't take careof completely.

you save on many ends with an umbrella policy…it helps you get lower rates, gives you superior liability coverage on auto related issues……but still covers liability claims that may arise somewhere else, for example, yourhome. price-wise, you get much more coverage perpremium dollar with an umbrella policy... it could cost a 35 year old man in an arealike new york city… …around $300 extra to raise his bodily injuryliability from $25,000/$50,000 to $100,000/$300,000 (the first amount in each pair shows the maximumamount that will be paid out to each injured person in an accident.the second amount shows the maximum that can be paid out per incident).however, with an umbrella policy, he'll spend

less than that to get $1 million worth ofcoverage. and if he chooses to raise the coverage amountof his umbrella policy to $2 million dollars… …he'll have to pay only $75 more!but that’s not all… after the $2 million mark, he'll need to addonly $50 to his rate per $1 million extra coverage amount.see? that's superior coverage for a lot less -- that's the advantage in adding an umbrellapolicy instead. get and compare cheap quotes from many topinsurers @ (it's the same site just easier to type intoyour browser)

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