car insurance for new drivers

car insurance for new drivers

hello and welcome to another episode of themurray group mailbag. my name is ryan hanley. i am the director of marketing and sales hereat the murray group insurance services and and our mailbag feature is very simple. ourclients, prospects, people from the community ask us questions every day about insuranceand insurance-related products, and we felt that it was very important that we answeredthese questions, and we wanted to put them out onto youtube and our blog to make themaccessible to anybody. so that's what we did. and today's episodeis going to be from thomas. thomas is from troy thomas asked the question, "does autoinsurance follow the car or the driver?" so this is a question for anyone who's ever leta friend, and relative borrow their car, probably

this question goes through their head, whathappens if they get into an accident, right? that's where thomas' question is coming from.the answer to that question is insurance first follows the car. so if thomas lets his buddydown the street take his car for a drive, and his buddy gets the car into an accident,then thomas' insurance is going to be the first one to respond based on his limits. now his buddy could put a claimant under hisown company, but in most instances, it's going to be thomas' insurance, the insurance onthe actual car itself, that follows or that responds first and provides kind of the firstlevel of defense and that's assuming that thomas's friend actually has auto insurance.

so, to answer your question, thomas, thisis pretty straight forward stuff. and this is particular to ny state, so if anyone iswatching this who is outside ny state, the rules that govern may be different in yourstate, but in new york state insurance, auto insurance, personal insurance, personal autoinsurance, follows the car, so if you let someone else borrow your car and take it fora drive and they get into an accident, your insurance is going to be the one that respondsand unfortunately if you have increase or adjustment based on that incident or accident,you're going to be the one that's responsible for that. so, just think about that when you're lettingpeople drive your car, maybe you want to second-guess

letting your irresponsible friends and familytake your car for a joy ride. my name is ryan hanley. i'm the director of marketing andsales here at the murray group insurance services. this has been our mailbag feature. and if you have a question you would likeanswered on a future episode of the murray [sp?] group mailbag. simply leave your questionin the comments below, whether you are watching this on youtube or on our web site. i checkthe comments in both places and i collect all those questions and i use them for futureepisodes. so just make sure you leave your name andyour town if you'd like that to be included in the question and i will make sure it getson a future episode, as long as it's appropriate.

so for all of us here at the murray groupto all of you out there watching, have a very, very good day.

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