car and home insurance

car and home insurance

good afternoon. my name is donnell rice andi’m with nationwide insurance here in downtown rochester in michigan. and i’d like to welcomeyou first of all to america. i hope that you’ll enjoy your stay while you’re here and ifyou end up living here, i hope you enjoy that as well. i’m just going to talk to you briefly abouta couple of coverages that you’ll want to make sure that you talk to your agent aboutwhether it’s here at nationwide or somebody else and one of them is auto insurance. herein the state of michigan it is law to get auto insurance if you decide to drive. nowthat’s regardless of whether you own your own vehicle or not. but if you get a driver’slicense, you need to have auto insurance,

so make sure that you talk to somebody aboutthat. there’s a couple of coverages that you really want to pay attention to. bodilyinjury limits. our state has minimum limits of forty thousand (40,000) for multiple people,twenty thousand (20,000) for single occupants. but in this state you want to make sure thatyou increase those at least to a hundred/three hundred (100/300). it’s very important becausein the event of an injury accident you could have a judgement against you and the morecoverage you have, the better off you are to protect you and your assets. that coverageis minimal so you want to make sure that you increase those limits. the other coverage that you really want topay attention to is your uninsured motorists.

here again, in the state of michigan we’rehaving issues with people losing their jobs. our economy is not that great at this time,so you want to make sure that those coverages are higher as well. hundred/three hundred(100/300), i would say don’t go any lower than that. the optimal coverage would be fivehundred/five hundred (500/500) both on your bodily injury and your uninsured remember with auto insurance your liability limits are important and if you have a car,then you can talk about your deductibles. so, if you were planning to get a driver’slicense, most important, you need your liability insurance whether you own a vehicle or those are one of the… that’s one of the coverages you need.

the other coverage depending on where youlive would be homeowner’s. now homeowner’s could be either renting an apartment, owninga condo, or actually buying a home. and the biggest reason why you want to do that isto protect your investment whether it be the home or just to protect your contents, allyour clothing. you need that insurance as well. and that’s minimal coverage. whenyou combine both your auto and your homeowner’s insurance, you get some great discounts. sothat’s what you want to be aware of. homeowner’s insurance, also liability coverage,is very important. you want to make sure that you have proper coverage for that. and dependingon what your property is, you want to make sure that that’s covered as well.

so, again, talk to your agent. give them allthat information. they’ll be able to specialize a policy that would be right for you basedon your information. so, if there’s anything else i can help you with, again, my name’sdonnell and i’d be more than happy to help you. come and see me. okay. we talked about an insurance reviewand this is what you can look at to go over those coverages. on your auto policy, youwant to particularly pay attention to the bodily injury. five hundred (500) would meanfive hundred thousand (500,000) per person. the second number again is five hundred thousand(500,000) per person. we also mentioned uninsured motorists. that’s the second coverage. againfive hundred thousand per person, five hundred

thousand per oc.. per vehicle. and what thatmeans, if there’s one person in the vehicle, that’s per person. if there’s two or threepeople in the vehicle, that’s per vehicle. so that’s why there’s two numbers. andthen you pay attention to your comprehensive, your collision coverage, and then it’llgive you a premium. and that’s what it would cost you for the six months’ policy.

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