building insurance

building insurance

hi tom larsen here from the larsenproduction team and uh... one little tip for commercialproperty owners like if i was lucky enough to own this little stripplaza behind me one thing i would do is make each ofthose tenants add me an additional insured and theirinsurance policy what does that do? for me the building or if i own thisuh... building added liability protection on eachtenants policy so let's say somebody slipped and fellinside the barber shop behind me the attorney for the injured party

sue the tenants right that barbershop but also sues me'cause i own the building and the landlord well my first line of defense that wouldbe on the barber shops insurance because i'm also listed on their as anadditional picture so my insurance wouldn't have to respond first hisinsurance would so with you because you're lucky enough to ownproperty like this or any kind of commercial property make sure yourlistened as an additional insured on tenants insurance policy

and tom larsen larsen protection team

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