best car insurance deals

best car insurance deals

when you are dealing with another person'scar insurance company, there's only really one reason why you would do that and that'sbecause you've just had an accident. my name is james with the resurgence group. we area full service insurance agency and we try and help people when it comes to questionsabout their car insurance. if you have an accident and you are at the scene of the accidentthe first thing you want to do is get that other person's insurance card. it should havea policy number and a eight hundred number and also the name of the carrier. do yourselfa favor just don't think just write and take that information down. cause many people tryto remember the policy number or the eight hundred number or even the carrier that youknow the other person has but then once the

accident is gone and they might not show up,ever again, and you might not ever see them, you just don't know the information that youneeded. so again try to get their information immediately, i know it's a traumatic time,but if you do get that policy number and that eight hundred number, you can call up theircustomer service department and make sure that the process is started. in regards tothe process, what they'll do is they'll ask for a police report so you definitely wantto get a police report and either fax that over, or submit it to the claims adjusterso that they can make sure that your name is on that claim when it comes to you payingfor that claim. again my name is james with the resurgence group i hope that you neverhave an accident but when you do and you need

to deal with another person's company justmake sure that you have their policy number and their eight hundred number and i'm surecustomer service would be glad to help you.

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