average car insurance

average car insurance

washington auto insurance specialists - helpingyou to find affordable auto insurance without sacrficingon coverage facts - every year over 30,000 people arekilled and 2.2 million people are injured in car accidents. federal highway administration statisticsshow that fatalities cost on average $3.2 million per person killedand $68,170 for every person injuried. so the question is do you have suitable andadequate car insurance protection?

on average 50 percent of all vehicle costsare pikced up by private insurance companies and individual victimspay 26 percent of accident costs. are you financially at risk of a claim? speak to an auto insurance expert washingtondc at 202-601-363 or visit www.autoinsurancewashington.net about us video youtube page http://www.autoinsurancewashington.net area dedicated team of local washington auto insurance specialists thathelp local drivers search

and identify seek the best and most cost-effectivecar insurance deals available based on your specific needs,criteria and requirements. we help drivers with insurance for privatecar insurance, commercial auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, sr-22insurance, rv insurance, trailer insurance and sports car insurance. you can find out more at: http://www.autoinsurancewashington.net or by simply calling us on 202-601-363

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