auto insurance specialists

auto insurance specialists

so what did what to we do after anauto accident this discussion is basically on auto injuriesand what people go through following an auto accident injury and of course many times the person experiences shock and surprise they can't believe that the accident occurred and of course itwas so totally unexpected that is theworst type of accident many times people think that by being

relaxed while in an auto accident isthe best state to be in the thinking is they equate that to anindividual that's been drinking heavily like an alcoholic or not have to deal with theramifications of a trauma and injury and of course that'strue but once had alcoholic stops drinking and becomes sober then they will feel those repercussionsof all injuries that have transpired so well when we are involved in an auto accident it is actually better for us to tense up and prepare for the impact to be prepared by tensing up andcontracting the muscles putting them in a guarding state now somepeople

are not that sure after they have being surprised and stunned in the accident they were involved in has caused any type of problems yes youmy be sore, you might be achey you might be confused but inreality your body is producing one of the many hormones adrenaline andthat it's a protective hormone that disguises the true damage that has takenplace as a direct result of the car accident now everyone is a little bit different asfar as the time factor for that to wear off but that could take days it could even takeweeks

for the adrenaline to wear off it for theindividual to really start toi experiencing the pain and discomfortnow you can see the potential symptoms ofcourse a basic whiplash symptoms that everyone is aware of back pain headaches shoulder pain when we talk ofshoulder pain we're talking about pain actually theshoulder many times and across the upper back which is referred to as traps oralong the shoulder blade each and so sometimes that is confused as shoulderpain

but that is all result of the neck goinginto it exaggerated direction whether it be front to back or from one side to the other side down theseare all termed whiplash type up injuries whether you were t-boned whether youwere hit from behind whether you are hit from front aspect it'sjust the initial direction here is the waythe spine moves is always in that direction of impacttherefore if i was hit from the rear my neck is going to immediately snap back and then of course it's going to whip back in the forward direction

in changing it's motion understand that theheads weighs approximately 8-10 pounds its i like a bowling ball and your neck is like a slinky so it'sgonna go way beyond the normal ranges of motion that it's intended to do arethe neck pain of course is what are the common but it's not always the pain that initially shows upbecause many times it could be the lower back it really isindividual dependent i'll we get into theheadaches headaches of course are part of that issue

where there might even be a bit of aconcussive syndrome has taken place that's why we have patients fill outforms that are necessary to identify was there an actualconcussion i'll we don't have to lose ourconsciousness in order for there to be a concussion it could be just something where immediately started to notice theseheadaches and they become a constant persistent nature and might have difficulty swallowing if there's enoughtrauma to cause tearing to the ligaments and tendons

if there is some pressure and swellingobviously that takes place as a result of any type a trauma that is going toaffect maybe the the esophagus i guess and tracheal areablurred vision because the nerves in the neck of course to go into the eyesringing in the ears those same nerves in the neck are gonnago into the ears nausea those nerves that come out ofthe neck and are going down through the neck from thebrain spinal cord are gonna go into the stomach sonausea is something that can develop

fatigue or weakness while your bodies inbasically a state of shock the adrenaline of course is somethingthat your body's gonna produced and that is are something that is produced bythe adrenal glands the adrenal glands are involved in that they are energy in our sugar blood sugarregulation as well as many other things irritability dizziness vertigo wenoticed such common irritability dizziness and vertigo are something that might take more time to develop its notnecessarily something that's going to show up

right away when you look at the car accidents caraccidents don't have to be severe in order to cause damage obviously whichlook at this picture right here this is a pretty badaccident so you would equate the degree of injured unfortunately you know what we'dlook at this it's called soft tissue injuries soft tissue injuries mean okay maybe theperson didn't break any bones i they didn't have anything they didn't have any cuts

obvious bruises and maybe just seatbelt bruisingup that occurred but the actual soft tissue injuries are moreinsidious what that means is that they're slow developing and they develop over time so don't equate the amount of damage to the extent of the injury that yousustain its important to identify that that's why a thorough evaluation shouldbe done now many times if you're involved in anaccident it's a good idea

you be taken to the hospital if yousustain any injuries from the standpoint of gettingeverything you know acknowledged written down andrecorded because this is unfortunately asituation where many times there's gonna be somesort of litigation that might take place we look at the damage it's done youcould see here the acceleration deceleration i mean just the person has gone through

this whiplash where they've beenrear-ended and the rear ended this is actually acceleration week acceleration deceleration versus someonethat might be hit from the front which is a deceleration acceleration type injury when you look at these areasyou could see that the you know the vertebra here and the disc and that spacing is the disk andthat is soft tissue right in there and you couldsee if course a ligaments that hold the bones together in this case it is the spinousprocesses

so look at how the bones are jammed and in a period of time we are going todevelop not only the damage to thevertebra far as bone spurs or arthritic changes but we are going to see the gradualcollapse so that of that disc yes because once the disc has beendamaged the blood flow has been disrupted and you could see inhere how the spinal nerves of course are going to be affected in this articular case are we gonna have a disc bulge immediately maybe not that might take

place over a little period a time i thebody's the course trying to create a inflammatory responseinitially that there's going to be some healing taken place initially the sole x-rays are real vital to this or what wecall a whiplash type the series identify theexact damage and in the x-ray you are going to be able to seewhat has taken place obviously is there any broken bones is there any of fractures dislocationsor things like that but that should be from aqualified doctor

and many times it's going to be a doctorchiropractic who's gonna be best able to do the overall whiplash type series ultimately what we're gonna seelong-term wise is so again something commonly called the degenerative disc disease this something that could take years to develop a i bulging disc yes herniated disc herniateddisc i spinal stenosis that's a sequelaethat;a going to take place over years as a result of thatinitial accident so what to do now well the mostimportant thing to do

is you can go on our website www dot auto injury treatment specialist dot com oryou can call here in orange county california you call someone for 714 964 9566 and we can now help identify what to what needs to be done with you guideyou through the process with you doctors in other areas to be ofservice to you too get the the necessary treatment that youneed it is imperative that if you're involved in an autoaccident that a proper procedures are done

right away the insurance industry ofcourse which is always going to be involved whether it's a faulty party orwhether it's your own insurance is always looking at how quickly are yougetting to a doctors for your injuries sustained that's why it's realcritical to identify that we've had patients atweren't sure you know that if they were injured that accident because they were so shocked by ya youknow the trauma of the injury their thinking is not as clear as it normallywould be after trauma but those are things that we candiscern we can help identify

and of course is planning a questionhere so we you provide that we have you fill out so that we can come to the bestconclusion that had the most appropriate treatment treatment is always necessary forwhiplash type injury and that's why x rays need to be takenso that you can identify be damage to ligaments as well asyou know rule all obviously the fractures anddislocations we talked about previously and that's it!

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