auto insurance ratings

auto insurance ratings

47 auto insurance savings tips -- guaranteedsteps to dirt cheap car insurance rates (series) – pt 2tip #11… ask for a retiree discount retirees are offered a special discount bya good number of insurance companies. you'll hardly drive as much as you used todo once you are retired thus lowering your mileage.a person's total mileage is a strong factor that determines how much they pay in this discount is certainly not one any retired person should overlook. so it's agood thing to ask your agent. and, if your agent tells you they don't havethis kind of discount, do your best to report

the dramatic change in your mileage.unless the change in your mileage isn't significant, you should shop for another insurer if youdon't get a decent discount. tip #12…install theft-deterrent devices there are many anti-theft or theft-deterrentdevices like alarm systems, automatic gas cut-off system and so on.the risk of theft is an important factor that goes a long way to determine your rate.and since these reduce such a risk, you'll attract a good discount if you have them installed…thieves prefer unprotected cars. tip #13…join an auto club a good number of insurers will give you adiscount if you join an auto club.

even if this discount is very small it's stillsome savings for you. tip #14…get a discount for your affiliations you can get discounts from a good number ofinsurers if you're part of associations especially the bigger makes sense for an auto insurer to give group discounts to an association that hasa large membership. bearing this in mind, you'll do well to checkif there are discounts for any associations you're part of.tip #15… get a discount for your college student does your child not use the car for a considerableperiod of time? then you can get a discount

for this.take advantage of this if your child is in college. just note that not all insurers offerthis discount. tip #16…avoid expensive vehicles there are cars that cost much more to giveadequate auto insurance coverage. it will help a lot if you ask your agent beforechoosing your next car. don't buy a car that has a high theft rateand/or a poor crash rating. also consider the cost of maintaining a carsince it is also a factor that determines your rate.with diligence you can avoid buying a car that will make you pay much more in extrapremiums over time.

tip #17…go for a safe vehicle you'll pay less if you car has a higher safetyrating. opt for cars that have features that increasesafety. you'll be eligible for a safe vehicle discountif your car has such features. examples of these safety features are airbags, automatic seatbelt, abs brakes and daytime running lights.your agent can give you a list of features that will get you a discount with your insuranceprovider. tip #18…not driving your vehicle all year round? get storage insurancepaying for a regular auto insurance policy

on a vehicle that you get to use seasonallyis a waste of money. however, not having any form on insuranceon it is too risky. this is because it could be stolen or damaged while in what's the way out? your best option is storage insurance: it'snot legal for driving on but it will ensure that you are protected against any loss ordamage that may occur while it is in storage. tip #19…take advantage of group discounts if you work for a large company you could enjoy a group discount.if you've not asked, do. insurance companies offer large organizationssome discounts in the belief that such would attract members of that organization.that would save them on customer acquisition.

tip #20…look for an insurer that favors your profession all vocations are not equal -- at least fromthe auto insurance viewpoint. an attorney attracts more expensive ratesthan an engineer. the rationale for such concessions is thatsome vocations have been proven to be better risks.ask your agent if your vocation is eligible for certain discounts.however, the discount you'll be given varies from company to company. therefore, go comparisonshopping to find out which insurer favors you most. get and compare cheap quotes from many topinsurers @ (it's the same site just easier to type intoyour browser) one more a lot of money... get many more tips that will help you cutdown your overall insurance costs by up to 50% at

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