auto insurance agencies

auto insurance agencies

you are thinking about buying car name is james with the resurgence group. we are a full service insurance agency andwe specialize in car insurance. the first thing that i would suggest is call an agentor look in the yellow pages or even just look at one of the signs and billboards and getthat 800 number and call up customer service. there are different types of insurance soyou really need to get multiple quotes for multiple carriers and that is why we suggestdealing in person with an agent. walk into their office, sit down with them, explainwhat you are looking for because the bottom line is money. if you have a certain budgetand you can explain to that agent that you are willing to spend this much money per monthor per year they can design a policy and they

can get a specific carrier that will meetthat criteria. so again think about what you want and how much you want to spend and thatis going to tell you where you are going to go. we suggest going with an agent becauseyou can sit down with them and you can come up with a plan of action that is going tofit your budget. my name is james with the resurgence group and we do this every day.we have people walk in and we make sure that they walk out with a smile because they arenot spending too much money but they do have enough coverage so in the event that theydo have an accident they can feel confident that the policy that they are paying for isgoing to cover them.

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