the car insurer

the car insurer

you just opened up your car insurance policy,and you wanted to see if that special car that you've got in the garage is name is james, with the resurgence group. we're a full service insurance agency, andwe specialize in car insurance. well, if you've got that collectible car sitting in the drivewayor sitting in the garage chances are it's not covered, or it's not properly coveredunder your existing policy. what i would suggest is to get with your agent, or call up oneof the collectible car carriers, and give em' specific details of the type of vehiclethat you have, and see what would be the best approach. many times you want a stand-alonepolicy for that vehicle, or vehicles if you have more than one. and make sure that yougive em' the vin number so that they can run

the registration and get an exact make onthe type of vehicle, because it's very important in the event of a loss that they know exactlyhow to price it. your premium's going to be based on the value of the vehicle, but youhave what's called actual cash value versus replacement cost. you would prefer to getreplacement cost, because chances are you're not going to see that vehicle ever again soit's going to be tough to just get a car that's going to replace it, so just take the cashand move on. again, get with your agent. i strongly suggest that those are the professionalsthat know how to get the right insurance for the right price, and also the right name is james, with the resurgence group. we do this every day with our clients, soi'm hopin' that you can find a agent in your

local community to sit down and write thatpolicy that makes sense for you.

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