teen auto insurance

teen auto insurance

cheap auto insurance for teenagers -- guaranteedsavings tips for teen insurance here are tips that guarantee cheap auto insurancefor teen drivers... 1. go for a cheaper or smaller car. they costless to insure. 2. become certified as a defensive driver.insurers give special discounts to such drivers. 3. maintain straight a's if possible. insurershave the good student discount which is meant for kids who maintain a minimum of b average. 4. opt for a car that has a high safety rating-- this will help you attract a cheaper teen car insurance premium. 5. avoid vehicles that have a high theft rate.the lower the risk of theft for a vehicle,

the lower the premium it will attract. 6. if you can live with it, go for an oldvehicle then drop collision and comprehensive on it. these will help keep your rates down. 7. get and compare rate quotes from a widerange of insurers. there are insurers that understand teens better than others. they'llusually give you more affordable rate quotes. so how do you find them? head over to q4l.organd start getting quotes from reputable insurers there now.

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