renter insurance

renter insurance

most people know that it's important to havehomeowners insurance, but what if you rent? that's easy - you need renters insurance!and did you know that renters insurance provides tremendous value at a relatively low cost?if you rent, your landlord's insurance may only cover damage to the building, so you'llwant to make sure your belongings are also covered. and that's why amica insurance issharing the benefits of a renters policy. think about everything you own, your clothes,electronics, jewelry, furniture. if you had to replace it all, would you be able to affordit? with renters insurance, you get protection for your personal property from theft, fire,vandalism and other losses. and amica can provide you with replacement cost coverage.that means, regardless of how old your property

is, it will be replaced with a comparable,brand-new item. did you also know, that if someone is hurt while on your property, youmay be held liable - even if you aren't necessarily to blame? renters insurance provides coveragefor personal liability - which helps if you're sued if someone is injured at your home. it'speace of mind at an affordable price and it follows you wherever you and your belongingsgo. so be sure to value your valuables, and let amica help. check out the home inventoryfeature on our mobile app, visit our website or give us a call, and we'll be happy to assistyou.renters insurance, you can't afford not to have it.

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